Post-Acceptance of the Mark - HORRIBLE TRUTH about Irony of God - Slowly Burning on Earth before the FINAL DESCENT into the Lake of Fire

May 30, 2007

Russia's Vladimir vs. Illuminati's Glasgow: zombies can't feel the winds of fire blowing into the powder keg

Russia's Vladimir vs. Illuminati's Glasgow: zombies can't feel the winds of fire blowing into the powder keg

Russia's Vladimir - simply the most amazing HEAT record ever.
Click on History and after on Current Weather. Any climatologist or sun scientist would tell you until three days ago this is NOT possible.

Vladimir - Maximum
What was the highest May temperature ever measured in the world at this latitude or above until three days ago, the day of the Holy Spirit 2007?
Hint 1: until May 31 2000, during stage one of climate change, it was 29.2° C (below 84° F). That day recorded 30°C exactly (86° F).
Hint 2: During stage TWO of climate change, that record was only very slightly improved, in May 2005...

Vladimir - Minimum
May 29, 2007: Vladimir has higher minimum temperature than anywhere else in Europe except for ...

Vladimir, Russia vs. Glasgow, Scotland: 1 + 1 = ...
Vladimir Lat: 56°07'01"N, Lon: 40°21'00"E 170m. Latitude of Glasgow, Scotland.
Wait a moment... minimum of Vladimir this day is higher than the maximum of Glasgow in May 2007 (click history)
BTW, what is the horrible truth why stage 2 and 3 came and yet the Glasgow May temperature record from 1992 (26°C) was never broken?

The Answer
Glasgow vs. Vladimir = Sun closing in + Gulf Stream going away, or ...
The *** THREE stages of Climate Change *** - revealed worldwide first by Matt Marriott

1 + 1 or Vladimir vs. Glasgow, also equals symbology for Illuminati End Times.
Good... the words of the Great King ressuscitated the day of the Holy Spirit - but zombies can't feel the winds of fire blowing into the powder keg...
... vs.
Evil, before the final descent.

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